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Limited Edition Prints
We are delighted to present prints of the posters created for our “Reading on the High Seas” program. Artists Terry Kole and Ronnie Rooney were kind enough to sign a limited number of art prints for us…just for you!

Signed, limited-edition print by artist Ronnie Roonie, measuring 11.5″ x 14″ and printed on Arches archival watercolor paper. Ships flat, unframed and unmatted.

Signed, limited-edition print by artist Terry Kole, measuring 11.5 x 14″, printed on Arches archival watercolor paper. Ships flat, unframed and unmatted.
There are very few of these prints available, so don’t delay…what a great gift! After purchase, prints may be shipped to you, or picked up at the Library.

Volume I: Ties That Bind, 1900-1945
This popular history of 20th century Plymouth up to World War II explores the toils, triumphs, joys, and sorrows of people who lived through a period of extreme change and catastrophic world events. An oversized paperback book of 180 pages with over 150 photographs, maps, illustrations, bibliography, index, 35 original chapters and 8 chapters that are reprinted in this edition. This is the story of how Plymouth attracted and assimilated a post-Yankee wave of Italian, Portuguese, German and French immigrants through the largest rope manufacturing company in the world, transformed its local economy, became a tourist destination, bedroom community and solidified its position as America’s hometown. During the 20th century, Plymouth grew from a mill town of 9,500 residents to a sprawling community of more than 50,000. This is a story told by the people who lived it.
plus shipping & handling

Vol II: 1945-1970s
This is the second of two volumes about 20th century Plymouth. Like its predecessor, this volume is an oversized 176-page paperback book with 150 illustrations. It includes the story of building the Pilgrim Nuclear Plant, the redevelopment of a 30-acre downtown neighborhood, the origins of Plimoth Plantation, the 1957 cross-Atlantic voyage of Mayflower II, the history of Jordan Hospital and the Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra, how Plymouth became a golf mecca and how the town survived the mid-century closing of the world’s largest ropemaker.
ON SALE – $20
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Plymouth, Massachusetts
This is the first major work that locates and documents conditions of more that 2,000 gravestones in Plymouth’s oldest cemetery, dating from 1657. Previously published works by Bradford Kingman (1892) and Benjamin Drew (1894) provide epitaphs for graves that had them. The only monuments and gravestones of Mayflower passengers are those of Gov. William Bradford and John Howland. This book is the most accurate, up-to-date information available for genealogists (family researchers), libraries, descendants of the 17th century Pilgrims and students of gravestone studies.
plus shipping & handling
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If you have any questions about your order, please call Anne Phelan at:
508.830.4250 x 216